Fisioteràpia uroginecològica i obstètrica
The role of pelvic physiotherapy

When do we recommend an assessment with your physiotherapist?
- Before: even if you feel well, it will be interesting to have check-ups before pregnancy to prevent possible dysfunctions during pregnancy and after birth.
- During: to assess how your body is adapting to the morphological change associated with pregnancy.
- After: to assess how your body is after giving birth and help it recover.
Pelvic-abdominal surgery
- Before: doing a good pre-op job will always make the post-surgery recovery better.
- After: to make a good rehabilitation after surgery, to recover mobility in the tissues, work on the scar and strengthen the structures involved.
- Pelvic floor as a CORE muscle, if it is toned, it will make your sports performance better!
Hormonal changes
- In the menopause: in this climacteric stage it will be interesting to give treatment guidelines to improve trophism and ensure that the urinary and genital systems are in the best conditions.

Signs that your pelvic floor needs help
- You have losses, whether it’s a few drops when you cough, sneeze, or when you’re very urgent and don’t get to the 🚽 in time.
- You have losses and you are not able to retain gas or you stain your underwear.
- If you have pain during sexual intercourse at some point during the sexual encounter or in a specific area of the genitals.
- If you go to the toilet very often “every 2 for 3”.
- If you are constipated, you have to exert a lot of force to evacuate.
- If you have pain in any area of the pelvis, in the coccyx, pubis, during any activity or in specific movements/positions.
- If you have a feeling of heaviness or discomfort in the perineum area.
- If you don’t know how to contract or how to relax your pelvic floor muscles
See a professional if you have these signs that we indicate.

Cèlia Serra, Urogynecological and Obstetric Physiotherapy at Clínica Verna